woodcut, 15×15cm, 2020

Yimin Wang

, an artist, illustrator and xylographer living in Rome, Italy.

She was born in 1998 in Chengdu, China.
In June 2020, she graduated from the Printmaking Department of the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, bachelor's degree of Arts.
In March 2024,she graduated from the Printmaking Department of the Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, majoring in Illustration and Art Publishing, master's degree of Arts.

  • Gold Award, the 3×3 International Illustration Award, USA,2024
  • Silver Award, JIA Illustration Award, Japan, 2024
  • Award of Excellence, the 65th annual illustration competition, Communication Arts Magazine(CA), USA, 2024
  • Gold Award, the New York IYAC TOP International Illustration Contetition, NY Contemporary Art Center(NYCAC), USA, 2023
  • Meriit Award, the 10th Hiii Illustration International Competition, China, 2023
  • Bronze Award, the 9th China Illustration Biennial(CIB9), Shenzhen, China, 2023
  • Merit Award, iJungle Illustration Annual(Ijungle), online gallery, Europe, 2023

  • Honorable Mention, the 3rd Yerevan International Print Biennial, Armenia Center for Contemporary Experimental Art, Armenia, 2021

(Group Exhibition)
  • Art Island Akane Biennale, Hofu, Japan, 2024
  • The 18th Art Laguna Prize, Arsenale Nord, Venezia, Italy, 2024
  • Kyoto International Art Exchange Exhibition, Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan, 2023

  • The 17th Art Laguna Prize, Arsenale Nord, Venezia, Italy, 2023
  • The 11th Hida Takayama International Contemporary Wood-Print Triennial, Takayama, Japan, 2020
  • The 4th International Printmaking Triennial, virtual exhibition, Serbia, 2020 

©Yimin Wang
Alea iacta est
April 2024